Apache Cassandra is a extremely scalable free NoSQL data source. Cassandra is perfect for handling considerable amounts of organized, semi-structured, and unstructured information across several information facilities and the reasoning. Which provides straight line scalability and performance across many product web servers with no anchorman of failing, and provides a highly effective powerful information model designed for maximum versatility and fast reaction times.

The Apache Cassandra Venture produces a very scalable second-generation allocated data source, providing together Dynamo's fully allocated design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data design.

It is the technological innovation of option for such data-driven companies as Blockbuster online, eBay, Continuous Get in touch with, Adobe, Comcast, Barracuda Systems and ratings of others. And it offers the primary performance accountable for the excellent real-time big information capabilities

How to Install Apache Cassandra on Windows

1. Cassandra is java based application, so first of all you need to install java on your machine.

2.Download Cassandra binary files

3.Extract Cassandra source files.

4. set environment variables. (Go to System Properties -> Tab Advanced -> button Environment Variables ... and add system variables here)

5.modify config file

6.create directory twice

You are ready to start Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is well known in the market as the only NoSQL solution that can provide the complicated specifications of big information workloads. It’s architected from the floor up for real-time business data source that require wide scalability, high-velocity performance, versatile schema and ongoing accessibility.